RDC software for retrieving weighing data

RAVAS Data Collector

Collect centrally

Via your WLAN network

Transfer weighing data from your mobile weighing system directly to a central PC. Quick and easy. With the RAVAS RDC software tool, you have a secure and efficient method to centrally store all relevant data from multiple RAVAS mobile weighing systems. The software generates a CSV file with gross, net and tare weights, product ID, date, time and scale ID.

Collect centrally

RAVAS Data Collector for Windows uses the warehouse's WLAN network to collect data from the weighing system's indicators. The RAVAS indicators 3200 and 5200 come standard with the RDC protocol. These indicators are also equipped with a buffer where weighings can be stored temporarily. Useful for when the weighing system is temporarily out of WLAN range.

The 3200 can store up to 8 weighings locally, the 5200 has a buffer for as many as 800 weighings. Via the RDC software, you can also retrieve a log file showing when an indicator was started. The information collected by RAVAS RDC can be viewed not only on the central PC, but also on a tablet or other smart device via the web browser and WLAN network.

The RAVAS RDC software comes with a license key for a one-time fee.

RAVAS Data Collector (RDC)

With the RAVAS Data Collector software, you can collect real-time weighing data from your mobile weighing system on a PC. Safe and easy.

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RDC Technical Specification

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