ACP supplies 500 to 1,000 boxes of components per day to several well-known lorry manufacturers. In order to prevent incomplete deliveries, all components are counted by scales integrated in the stacker trucks that lift and move the boxes. Thanks to the mobile counting scales the number of complaints from customers has decreased drastically.

"The mobile counting scales on our trucks help us to make the order picking process more time efficient and to drastically lower the error level in the just-in-time supplies to our contract partners."


Counting parts in hundreds of shipments per day

ACP manufactures 2500 different parts and supplies them to several well known lorry builders. Every day 500-1000 parts containers and boxes are shipped to contract partners. Counting the parts in each shipment is necessary to avoid errors in the picking, which would result in expensive and time-consuming claims from clients. Next to the stationary counting equipment in production, there used to be only a single picking location fit for counting parts: this was time consuming and inefficient.

118 Acp 01 Aangepast

Parallel checks on different picking locations with Ravas scales

Using RAVAS scales integrated in the STILL EGV stackers used for order picking, it is now possible to do parallel checks on different order picking locations, checking every single order. The 6100 scale indicators allow a fast and efficient counting of the parts, thanks to their user-friendly operator menu. The range of countable piece weights is from 50 gr to 20 kg. ID-codes for client number and order number can be entered via the keyboard and are printed on a ticket, together with the number of parts, the calculated weight per part and date and time.


Rpw St




Penzberg, Germany

Piece counting


Piece counting
By letting the pallet truck scale count for you, human errors are avoided and handling speed in order picking and in checking shipments is raised. Many companies specialize in the production of custom made parts and subsystems. Other companies use these in the assembly of their finished product. Material flows in supply chains mainly consist of parts shipments. Parts that are counted continuously: at order picking, shipping, at goods reception. Shipping the correct amounts is of major importance. The mobile scale translates the measured weight into a quantity, using the per part piece weight. This piece weight can either be entered manually or sampled automatically by the scale. The display shows the actual number of parts on the pallet and how many remain to be picked.