Stock control with RAVAS mobile weighing solutions

Monitor your material flows

With global supply chains that stretch across continents, with small stocks and just-in-time deliveries, companies have become very vulnerable to stock shortages. Shortages mean interrupted production processes, delays, loss of customer confidence. And they all come with a cost. With a mobile scale, connected to your ERP or WMS system, material flows can be monitored every time goods are moved. Without interrupting the process, mobile scales allow you to accurately control your stock, reduce stock levels and lower cost.

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Astra Sweets realizes immediate cost savings

Astra Sweets did not know the exact weight of production runs coming off their 3 casting lines. Discrepancies in the buffer stock of semi-finished products caused rest materials, delivery delays and additional, corrective production runs. Now 4 electric warehouse trucks have been equipped with an RPW EL scale to transport the sweets form the lines to the warehouse, and accurate production weights are communicated with the ERP system over the company’s wireless network.

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