Inventory management can be done manually or with the help of special tools and software that automate the process and make it more efficient. Usually, this activity takes place in the warehouse so available inventory can be checked directly. How it is performed significantly impacts a company's bottom line, as it is one of the most resource-intensive and error-prone processes. 

Avoid errors and speed up inventory
Inventory management can be done manually or with the help of special tools and software that automate the process and make it more efficient. Usually, this activity takes place in the warehouse so available inventory can be checked directly. How it is performed significantly impacts a company's bottom line, as it is one of the most resource-intensive and error-prone processes.

Piece counting is a time-consuming and costly operation. However, correctly counting available parts and accounting for missing parts, especially the smallest ones, are essential to inventory management and allow for accurate future purchases and sales planning.

Failing to perform this activity according to a systematic process often leads to mistakes that could cost you dearly. Inaccurate counts create challenges in obtaining parts, unforeseen expenses, delivery delays, and so on. By using automation to complete your piece counting tasks, you'll see improvements in accuracy while expediting the process. 

Mobile weighing scales speed up counting process 

You can optimize your piece-counting process using weighing pallet trucks with integrated scales. These intelligent machines streamline the weighing and counting operations and capture critical data.

A pallet truck with an integrated scale includes advanced functions that allow operators to perform the count precisely. For example, the onboard indicator simultaneously displays the weight and number of pieces. This data is shared wirelessly to a warehouse management system, accurately tracks orders, and helps manage inventory. 

If your material handling process includes piece counting or repeatable steps, the RAVAS-5200 will save you valuable time while delivering accurate weights and counts. The RAVAS-5200 hand pallet jack includes an intuitive touchscreen display, multiple weighing functions, and Bluetooth connectivity. A Lithium-ion powered battery powers it.  

Capable of integrating weighing with counting, the RAVAS-5200 transmits information to the operator via its touchscreen display. As a result, the operator no longer must perform this task manually, which is time-consuming and can lead to errors, especially when counting tiny parts. 

Take a look at some of the main features of the RAVAS-5200 hand pallet truck scale for counting inventory items. 

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Read more about the RAVAS-5200 with piece counting functionality

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Three examples of Mobile Weighing Solutions

Learn how other companies are saving time, money and space by using innovative mobile weighing systems.

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Raben: order picking with two weighing systems

Raben Group in Poland is a logistics company dedicated to comprehensive logistics services in Europe. To provide even better customer service, the company implemented the RAVAS Pick by Weight solution to reduce picking errors and thus costs arising from complaints and to optimize inventory management.
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Frit Ravich prevents loss of raw materials

Raben Group in Poland is a logistics company dedicated to comprehensive logistics services in Europe. To provide even better customer service, the company implemented the RAVAS Pick by Weight solution to reduce picking errors and thus costs arising from complaints and to optimize inventory management.
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Kuehne+Nagel chooses Pick by Weight for supply chain optimization

Kuehne+Nagel sees Pick by Weight as a solution to prevent picking errors and optimize the supply chain. In this way, the number of incorrect number of items going out the door is eliminated and the correct data is immediately available in the warehouse management system.