When you use a mobile weighing system built into a pallet truck, warehouse truck or forklift, you experience the benefits of weighing during internal transport. You weigh where you want and are therefore flexible in your controls.


An additional advantage of working with a weighing system is the possibility of using it to base the price of the product on its weight. The weight weighed can be used to invoice your customers.


Are you wondering whether purchasing a mobile 'Legal for Trade' weighing system will also add value to your organisation? At RAVAS, we speak to many logistics and industrial companies where our 'Legal for Trade' weighing systems enable us to optimise logistics processes.


We are happy to take you through concrete examples

Four examples where our systems make a big difference

#1 Corrective measurements have a negative impact on effectiveness

The majority of logistics carriers invoice their customers based on the weight and volume passed on by the customer. Often, information is missing. In this case, the carrier will complete this itself by performing corrective weighing. This usually with static scales or by volume measurements with a ribbon.

By optimising the process with a mobile 'Legal for Trade' weighing system, our logistics client is able to perform their corrective weighing where it is most effective. They save a lot of time and money. No longer being dependent on a centrally located static scale saves many movements through the warehouse and in addition they are able to invoice their customers the full correct amount of goods to be transported.

#2 All weighing data available real-time and error-free in an ERP system or WMS

A company active in the storage of containers of personal belongings bills based on the weight of a specific container. Previously, all containers were weighed on a static scale at a central point in the huge warehouse, then all weighing data was noted down with pen and paper and later documented.

Not only do the applied mobile weighing solutions enable them to deal with all weighings much more efficiently. They can also use the weighing system in combination with our RAVAS data management solutions to link all weighing data generated to their ERP system or WMS. This greatly improves the speed and accuracy of their measurements.

#3 About 15% of all freights are underbilled

Many of the companies we help with our solutions experience that their customers are passing them too low a weight or volume so that this brings down the price of logistics transactions. Recent research has shown that around 15% of all freight is under-invoiced.

By integrating mobile weighing into the process, logistics companies are able to minimise time losses and reduce the 15% under-invoiced transactions to 0%. This enables them to invoice their customers the right amount. This obviously has a positive impact on sales and profits.

#4 Make sure your supplier has supplied you with the right one

By weight, you are able to check whether your supplier has actually delivered the right thing to you. One of our customers, a producer of dog food, suspected that it did not always deliver the right amount of raw product. After checking by weight, it turned out that every delivery of 1000 kilograms always had a deviation of 3 to 4 kilograms. In fact, our client was paying too much to its supplier for the delivery of raw products. After the RAVAS equipment was commissioned, the supplier could be held accountable for every delivery. Not only did the quality of the dog food go up, but the production costs also went down.

Another production company making chocolate knocked on RAVAS's door. Thanks to our mobile weighing solutions, they are now able to invoice their customers according to the weight of the chocolate they deliver. Not only did the accuracy of deliveries go up - after all, 80 kg is now really 80 kg - the accuracy of the amounts to be invoiced also went up. If a delivery turns out to be 82 kilos, this is the amount to be invoiced.

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Weight-based invoicing thanks to a Legal for Trade weighing system

In order to invoice by weight, the weighing system you use must be a so-called Legal for Trade or approved weighing system. However, not every weighing system is suitable for this and there are requirements that both the system and the inspection must meet. In this blog, you will read what rules must be met and how a mobile weighing system will allow you to bill by weight with your pallet trucks, warehouse trucks or forklifts.  

Read the blog article
Sticker Legal For Trade

Learn more about our Mobile Weighing technology through our blogs

Through blogs, videos and other items, discover how a mobile weighing system can make your processes more efficient and cost-effective, generate management information, monitor the quality of your products and services and promote customer satisfaction.

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Why you want to invoice customers based on weighed weight

When you use a mobile weighing system that is built into a pallet truck, warehouse truck or forklift truck, you will experience the benefits of weighing during internal transport. You weigh where you want and are therefore flexible in your checks.
21 Electric pallet truck - pick by weight

Data Management: the de factual basis for smarter business processes

Interested in the most efficient flow of goods, increased profits and preventing picking errors? To make this quality change, data management is crucial. Thanks to RAVAS' mobile weighing technology, your data are available in real time 24 hours a day. This provides a wealth of information that you can immediately use to make improvements and take action.
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Save time, space and money with a Mobile Weighing System

With a mobile weighing system on a warehouse truck or forklift, you can weigh in the flow of your internal logistics. You immediately know the weight of the lifted goods. With mobile weighing systems, you save time, money, space, and manpower and improve the efficiency of your intralogistics.

Availability and compatibility

Sales partners

RAVAS works with worldwide sales partners. Here's a selection of OEM brands.